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Showing posts from October, 2012

An Ode to Praise

The word 'praise' can be dated way back to the 12th century. The middle English, Latin and Old French versions vary slightly, but they all mean the same thing- to value, to prize. So when I praise someone, I am giving them a present- the present of boosting their self-esteem. Most living things flourish under praise. Plants, animals - not sure about rabbits though :) and of course, human beings. I have watched how my students respond to encouraging words. Their eyes light up with pleasure and delight. Watch them the next time you praise them. Their eyelids flutter uncontrollably and an intense look of happiness flits through their eyes. Followed by the widest, hugest grin. Photo courtesy: Adults have learnt to mask their feelings. Yet I am sure that same surge of happiness envelops them when they are praised. As a mentor to new teachers, I realize that if I want them to improve their teaching practice, praise is the answer. Cr